Twenty years have passed since the world has changed beyond recognition. From
a world that on the brink of nuclear war between two super powers that do not
intend to compromise on their way. To a world where globalization is the key
word. A world in which distances shorten and disappear, trade between
countries is increasing, capital flows from one end to the other in seconds, and
huge migration between continents. If we were telling to John F. Kennedy after
his "I am a Berliner" address" or to Ronald Reagan during his
speech in Berlin ,
where he urged Mikhail Gorbachev "tear down this wall", what we have
achieved in so little time, and where the world came to, they probably were thrilled.
However, now twenty years after, the
tables turned. History playing its beloved game, and the players
changed sides on the field. This time the West is the one building the
walls. Sounds odd? It is not. This is the reality in which we
are living.
same stone wall and fences that divided Berlin, are replaced today by
giant steel walls, equipped with the best cameras and technology, all in the
courtesy of the United States and the European Union. Nowadays, instead of East Europeans seeking to
escape to the West and stop at the Soviet iron curtain, there are South
American immigrants that want to reach the United States , the land of dreams, in
searching for a better life, just like the parents of those who live there
today. But have to face a huge wall located between the Mexican-American border.
A wall that was not shameful to any Soviet state.
Today only twenty years after the East European from former Soviet Union seeking to reach the EU countries meet the New
Berlin Wall, who copied itself just a few thousand miles to the east. And now
stands between Poland and Ukraine , between
those who In the Union and those who not, separate between those equal more in Europeans'
eyes and less equal. And of course the giant walls in Melilla and Ceuta the
two Spanish cities of in northern Africa, that have only one purpose stop the
flow of African immigrants seeking refuge and work in rich Europe.
It seems that just one generation after the war ended, only one
generation of wealth and a satiation, we forget about fighting the principles fought
before us. Freedoms, democracy, free movement, equality all have been
forgotten. And from a world where the West only
will and hoped to link with the citizens of the East, We became a world
in which democracies that actually won the war have adopted the same methods they
were fighting, and chose to shut and build their own walls.
Unfortunately, I guess that if Ronald Reagan were alive today, instead
of flying to Berlin , he was flown to El Paso or San
Diego , get up on the stage, stood behind the podium,
and in charismatic way turns to President Barack Obama screaming at him. "Mr.
Obama, Open this Gate. Mr. Obama, Tear Down This wall".